Komyo ReikiDo
A Japanese Reiki system
developed & founded
by Sensei Inamoto

Komyo ReikiDo (pron. Koh-my-oh Ray-key Do) was developed & founded in Kyoto Japan by Japanese Buddhist Monk & renown international teacher, Inamoto Hyakuten. Denise started her training in Toronto and finished in Japan in 2024. This Eastern style of Reiki helps you develop both a therapy practice and a spiritual practice.
What is Komyo Reikido?
Komyo ReikiDo is a keep-it-simple Reiki system & practice, based on the Japanese aesthetic of Less is More. The practice motto is: Place your hands, Surrender & Smile. Simple to learn & profound in the effect on mind, body & inner being.
Equals Light or Illumination
Equals the Sacred Energy of the Universe
Equals Spiritual Path or Way
Komyo ReikiDo
There are 4 Levels of training for Komyo ReikiDo.
Please contact Denise to set-up your training.
1st Level
You will learn basic knowledge about Reiki history and Reiki Ryoho ( hands-on healing art).
You will be initiated into Reiki by means of “Reiju” or attunement, and you will be able to channel Reiki energy.
From this time on, Reiki energy will flow through out your hands and do a fine job of healing.
Shoden class is done in two sessions.
◆ Four Reiju or attunements will be given.
◆ Class hours: 6 hours
◆ Fee: $200.00
2nd Level
You will learn Shirushi (Reiki symbols).
With the use of these Reiki symbols Reiki healing will become more practical and beneficial.
You will learn how to do “distant healing.”
Shoden class is done in two sessions.
◆ Chuden class is done in two sessions
◆ Four Reiju (attunements) will be given
◆ Class hours: 6 hours.
◆ Fee: $250.00
3rd Level
You will enter the inner teaching of Reiki Ryoho.
The focus is on the spiritual cultivation and growth.
You will learn one more final Shirushi(Reiki symbol).
Okuden is intended for those who would like to walk on a spiritual path of Reiki Ryoho to attain Satori (enlightenment) and/or for a Teacher(Shihan) candidate.
Shoden class is done in two sessions.
◆ Okuden class is done in two sessions
◆ Two Reiju (attunements) will be given.
◆ Class hours: 6 hours
◆ Fee: $450.00
There are some criteria of becoming a Teacher(Shihan).
Please inquire about the details.
◆ Shinpiden class is done in two sessions.
◆ Class hours: 8 hours
◆ Fee $900.00