Reiki Coaching Packages
Moving Into Wholeness
This Reiki Package consists of six Reiki sessions. Awaken your conscious awareness to your Soul, by combining a Reiki session and verbal coaching. This package can be experienced in person or through distance sendings.
Moving Into Wholeness
This six week Reiki Coaching package integrates your personal energy system with that of Source. It helps your system to remember it’s original blueprint. This package then gives tools for bringing that blueprint into everyday conscious awareness. You will be given a realignment tool each week to help you create new neural pathways.

Experience this package either with hands on sessions or remotely through zoom, phone, or meditation sessions.
Week One
Aligning your energy system with Source’s Infinite Love to end the creation of Unworthiness
Week Two
Working with your Belief system in your energy field
Week Three
Tools for helping your energy system release Fear, Anger and Hurt
Week Four
Working with your Ego and understanding the Default Mode Network
Week Five
Moving your energy system to achieve healthy manifestations
Week Six
Moving your system toward effortless growth manifestations