Posted: February 23, 2015

Pondering……  When Brenda chose the date for our Reiki Conference, Enriching Me and My Reiki Community, neither of us knew the following two details.  First, there will be a Reiki Conference in Toronto on May 2nd, the day before our conference, May 3rd.  My pondering mind starts to wander down the path of synchronicity.  Why would that date be the chosen one?   Brenda just knew the date and chose for very practical reasons.   Then the questions of  … Why is the conference coming together so easily? And …How could we possibly put together such a strong roster of speakers?  It has felt Divine lead from the beginning.  Now my wandering mind is pondering the significance of the two conferences back to back.  A day filled with Reiki intention and teaching is going to be a powerful day.  What will be the effect of two?

The second detail is that May 3rd is the first day of Hospice Palliative Care Week.  We did not know this until Myriam, our speaker for Reiki and Hospice Palliative Care, brought it to our attention.  But, we did intuit that she definitely needed to be the speaker for Hospice Palliative and set the tone for the conference.

Many more fascinating, engaging, magical, Divine experiences have unfolded as we have stepped forward with this work.  What a blessing to undertake.

Hope to meet you at the conference….Enriching Me and My Reiki Community…check us out on Facebook.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen,  Denise

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