Posted: July 14, 2015
I apologize for my tardiness with writing the blog. The Universe has given me a HUGE opportunity to do some deep emotional healing and growth. To say that the past two months have been disruptive is being a minimalist….which I am. 2014 was a year of unimagined change that brought about a great shift in my life. 2015 seems to be the year for working through the deep emotional connection to the shift. The past two months have been a physical roller coaster of digestive pain, dysfunction and distress. My emotional body is indeed healing from 2014 and insisting that the healing be on all levels….emotional, physical and spiritual. The physical body is now diagnosed and able to be controlled. The emotional body is extremely stimulated and with the help of Reiki, coming into balance. The spiritual body has soared!! My connection to the Reiki Energy has deepened. The treatments and classes have been awesome!! My Reiki Master and my Spiritual Teacher have been instrumental with their guidance. I must be coming through the upheaval because I can finally say Thank You, Thank You, Thank You……
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, Denise