As promised, but slowly delivered…the next speaker at our November 6th talks was Susan Doherty Hannaford.  Susan’s Talk was entitled…My Healing Journey.   In August of 2015, Susan was diagnosed with a rare, often fatal, autoimmune disease called HLH. After months of chemotherapy that did not eradicate the illness, she had a stem cell transplant with a donor from Germany. She told the story of her recovery with the help of Reiki, prayer, Archangel Raphael, and the thousand invisible hands that lifted her back to health.  Her capacity to capture the audience within her first words predicted the quality of her talk’s delivery.  The content of her story left most, if not all, in tears.  Her choice of integrating allopathic and wholistic medicine brought hope and desire to marry these two bodies of knowledge and skill.  From her first word to her last, Susan commanded respect for her journey.  From her first word to her last, Susan exuded confidence, peace and unconditional love.  It was as if time had stopped for her words to reach everyone attending.  Thank You Susan!!

Susan is a Montreal writer. I am presently enjoying her debut novel, A Secret Music that was published in 2015.  She is currently writing and researching her second book, the story of an Ottawa woman’s life-long struggle with schizophrenia.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen,  Denise

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