Posted: May 11, 2016

Thank you to all who participated with our Reiki Conference – Enriching Me and My Reiki Community on May 1st.  And Thank you to all who did not attend in person, but held space for love and most beneficial outcomes for those in attendance.

OMG, OMG, OMG…What a day we had!!  My Council did indeed speak at the conference and orchestrated the group treatment at the end of the day.  As promised, those attending did receive benefits and if they did not yet know the Council personally, they were introduced and will come to know Them….as their energy systems permit.  Everyone present received an attunement…also as promised in their opening remarks.  Each attendee was asked to connect with Them.  Each attendee was also asked to allow their personal frequency to expand, to become inclusive of all frequencies present and to invite integration for growth.  In the days that followed, I have to admit that I have been going through an energetic cleanse…sore stomach, emotional outbreaks…but truly expanded energetically.  I am now “feeling” more connected to the All That Is and “seeing” or “sensing” on a much deeper level.   Truly, an attunement was gifted!!  I need to mention that the feedback of other attendees speaks to many attunements in progress!!

Thank you to My Council!! I am so blessed to be stepping forward with this work!!

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen,  Denise

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