Use this video to bring yourself to a calming and peaceful frequency.
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen,
This series will work with your chakras individually. Each video will clear, cleanse and align each chakra. You can experience this series one video at…
Posted: February 8, 2016 Our Reiki Conference – Enriching Me and My Reiki Community continues to grow. This year, there is an opportunity for vendors…
Posted: March 12, 2015 Enriching Me and My Reiki Community Conference. I have been asked to write about the experience of the group treatment that…
This video discusses the basic techniques for how to remain in the flow of Reiki after a session or a Reiki Class. If you have…
Eighth video of the Vibrational Matrix Reiki Series. You are invited to experience a beautifully supportive and effective approach to transforming your energy system as…
Posted: September 29, 2014 Transitions….One of the constants of life is change. It seems that people change, environments change, our bodies change, our children and…